Zoya Crosses $100 Million in Connected Assets

Zoya Crosses $100 Million in Connected Assets

Earlier this week, we crossed a significant milestone — our users are now collectively managing over $100 million in assets through Zoya. We consider this achievement a strong testament to the trust thousands of people place in Zoya as a tool to confidently manage their portfolios in alignment with their faith-based values.

Tailored tools for Muslim investors

When users connect their portfolios to Zoya, they gain access to a suite of powerful features:

  • Portfolio monitoring: With daily auto-syncing, users always have an up-to-date view of their investments.
  • Shariah-compliance alerts: Our platform tracks users' holdings for compliance and sends timely alerts to keep them informed of changes in their portfolios.
  • Zakat calculation: With the ability to calculate and give Zakat directly from their portfolio, our users can fulfill their religious obligations seamlessly.
  • Wide-ranging account types supported: From brokerage and retirement accounts, crypto exchanges, to 529s and HSAs, we connect to a diverse range of investment account types.

Greater control, lower costs

Our platform fundamentally shifts how Muslim investors manage their portfolios. Gone are the days of paying high fees to financial advisors or fund managers. Zoya empowers individuals to easily oversee the Shariah compliance of their investments, resulting in significant savings and greater autonomy over their financial future.

What's next?

While reaching this milestone is undoubtedly exciting, it's just the beginning. Zoya currently supports thousands of financial institutions across the United States, and we're gearing up for an international expansion in the weeks ahead.

The financial world is evolving, and at Zoya, we're committed to advancing right alongside it. We're excited about what's to come, and we can't wait to share our next milestones with you.

Zoya: Halal Investing App

Zoya makes halal investing easy by helping you build and monitor a shariah compliant investment portfolio with confidence and clarity.

The views expressed above are those of community members and do not reflect the views of Zoya. It is not investment advice and we always encourage you to do your own research.